Monday, July 22, 2013

Shelving and a Freebie!

Well we have been super busy lately! I certainly put the hubby and his friends to work! In our classrooms we have absolutely no storage! This has been a huge issue for me the past two years because I have tons of stuff! Then while looking through pinterest it dawned on me! Why couldn't I just build some shelving that would fit right underneath my white boards! I really never use that space for much! So I figured this was a perfect task for the mister! I haven't painted or put the back on it yet but here is the work in progress! I will post more pictures when I finish it completely!

After construction!

During construction

Next, I have a freebie for you all! One of the girls on my team is doing her classroom in chevron! So I was making some name tags for her and I figured other people could use them as week! You can get them here at my Teacher's Pay Teacher's Store!

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